EP.053 | How to take a vacation as an entrepreneur

Season #1

I know what you might be thinking, vacation as an entrepreneur can feel like an impossibility, especially if you have no or a very small team. And because you love what you do, well, maybe you think being switched ON even during your vacation is no problem.

That ironic joke that you quit your 9-5 to work 24/7 in your own business is something that a lot of entrepreneurs experience. But as someone who actually worked non-stop (lol) BEFORE I became a full-time entrepreneur, for me this wasn’t an option, but more so a trap to fall into.

As I head for a 2-week vacation, I wanted to let you in on a few things I did to help me prepare so I can actually unplug while my business continues to run. YUP!

It’s possible to take a break AND continue to have your business moving forward. One is not mutually exclusive of the other.

But it does require some preparation. Tune in to my last podcast before vacation to learn HOW!

See you again on Thursday, July 13th.

Happy vacationing, T xx


PS: I am offering up to 10 entrepreneurs who are ready to scale to six figures AND create a business that allows them the freedom to play (and go on vacation) the opportunity to come and experience 30 days of high-level mentorship inside my Mastermind for FREE! Yup, you heard that right. CLICK HERE to find out more and how to apply
