Content 101

Are you ready to master Content Creation for your online Business?

Are you ready to master Content Creation for your online Business?

Become a content creator, an artist, a creative GODDESS, and curate the Masterpieces of your brand. 

YES! YOU who don't think you have a creative bone in your body - I’m going to teach you how to intentionally serve your socials, post beautiful brand artistry, establish your purpose + personality, and create content that converts. 
Ok, so you are an entrepreneur - A successful one.

Ok, so you are an entrepreneur - A successful one.

Ok, so you are an entrepreneur - A successful one.

But, you have had to take on a new role and this new role comes with more things to add to your ‘to-do’ list, because it feels like you HAVE to in order to stay relevant… 

This new role is one that you didn’t know you would need to be when you signed up for this business.

You are now a content creator…. 

F*CK… You didn’t want to be one of *those* people. You can barely keep up posting all the things and writing all the things. 


The struggle is real, isn’t it?!

You always saw yourself as an entrepreneur + business owner, but not a creative, an artist, or a content creator! You became an entrepreneur, and now somehow also you are a graphic designer, content creator, copywriter and social media manager. How did that happen anyway!?

You always saw yourself as an entrepreneur + business owner, but not a creative, an artist, or a content creator!  You became an entrepreneur, and now somehow also you are a graphic designer, content creator, copywriter and social media manager. How did that happen anyway!?
You always saw yourself as an entrepreneur + business owner, but not a creative, an artist, or a content creator!  You became an entrepreneur, and now somehow also you are a graphic designer, content creator, copywriter and social media manager. How did that happen anyway!?

Where are you supposed to pull all this magical creative energy from?

Where are you supposed to pull all this magical creative energy from?

Perhaps the idea of being creative and an artist even brings up resistance...

All the questioning that comes in when you are about to share…

  • Will they GET it?
  • How many likes will I get?
  • What if no one sees it?
  • What do I even write about?
  • How will the algorithm eff with me?
  • Reel, post, carousel? Which one should I choose?
  • Does this make sense for my brand?
  • Is this pretty enough?
  • Will I ever go viral?
  • I have no idea what to even say…. 

This questioning is getting in the way of seeing yourself AS a creative - It’s time to step into this role with the confidence to create, express, share and stand in your truth. 


Where are you supposed to pull all this magical creative energy from?

Just in deciding to become an entrepreneur, you naturally HAVE creative energy within you. So much of this entrepreneurial journey is about being creative - Pivoting when you need to, solving problems, learning new skills, creating new offers and how to sell them. It’s all creativity and a form of EXPRESSION. 

Now, if the idea of you becoming a content creator really makes you cringe, I have something for you… 

My invitation for you is to rethink the way you have been taught to tap into creativity. 

This is what we are doing inside my course Content 101. This is content creation like you have never experienced before. 

It’s a way of channeling your creativity, purposefully posting, staying in alignment with your mission, and actually getting your work out there.  

Maybe you’re not quite at the place where you can hire out the social media manager, the copywriter or graphic designer. That’s ok!

I’ve got you.

Content 101 is going to help you get in the creative zone, stay consistent, relevant, visible and help you GROW your potential audience.  

I know that the idea of being a content creator above and beyond being an entrepreneur, or coach, or graphic designer, or copywriter, or all these beautiful things that you all are doing, can be intimidating. 


We are going to take content creation from being a task on your to-do list and make it something that you look forward to. We are going to apply strategy + spirituality to creating your social media presence - How fun?!

I am so ready to make this FUN!


In Content 101 you will learn how to:

In Content 101 you will learn how to:
  • Take the pressure off creativity and creation
  • Make it less intimidating 
  • Move through the process of content creation 
  • Write copy that converts and communicates with your ideal client
  • Stay in alignment with your brand vibe + identity
  • Stop putting this task on your list and actually get it done 
  • Start embracing the idea that you ARE content creator AND a coach or entrepreneur
  • Be inspired by your life, your brand, your business and your online presence

We are going to start shifting your mindset around content, self-expression and creativity.

I have had to do this too - I never considered myself a creative person…

Hi, I'm Theresa

Hi, I'm Theresa

Early on in my entrepreneurial journey, I did not see myself as a content creator or a creative person at all. But, as time went on, I realized the importance of a social presence. I began creating and learned to actually ENJOY it. I started to realize that I had an abundance of creative energy, words I desired to express, truths I wanted to share, and a community I desired to connect with. What shifted my perspective was creating a strategy around my socials + infusing intentionality into the work I was putting out and the content I was capturing. 

I started capturing moments as a ritual - A ritual that felt sacred to me AND served my purpose + audience. 

Content creation doesn’t have to be a ‘should,’ it can be a deeply intentional part of your practice that translates into strategy, and I’m going to show you how. 

Creating organic content ends up being the thing that is in alignment with who you are and what you stand for.

This is really powerful, because your audience gets to know who you are and connects with you BECAUSE of it. 

You become KNOWN for it. 

To show parts of yourself is an art, and like an artist you are creating a Masterpiece.

The more of you they can see….
The more of you they can feel.
The more of you they can align with.
The more of you they can invest in.
So the more story you tell. 
The more clear you can be. 
The more impact you will make. 

This is the story of your life.

One post at a time, you are building engagement.

This is how you create impact.

This is how you create a legacy that lives beyond you.

Telling your story one post at a time….

Are you ready to claim your role as a content creator, or what?


Get instant and lifetime access to this 10 module course that will take your content game to the next level.


It’s not just about plastering a post out there, it’s about so much more….

It’s not just about plastering a post out there, it’s about so much more….

By sharing your perspective and gifts in an authentic, transparent, vulnerable, impactful, and powerful way, you are helping raise the vibration of our conscious collective. You are making a difference in this world. 

Creating content isn’t about force, it’s about authentic expression of your unique gifts, who you are and your mission. It’s about bringing something into this world in FLOW rather than forcing “shoulds” all over the place. 

It’s not just about plastering a post out there, it’s about so much more….

You get to express…

Who you Serve

Who you ARE

Your Purpose, Mission and Passion.

Your Personality.

How you SERVE others

Ways you create an Impact


It gets to be fun, exciting, creative, expressive.

It gets to be YOU. 

Are you ready to turn your posts into purposeful content?

Believe it or not, your life is your inspiration. 
Turn moments from your everyday life into storytelling that sells, and step fully into your role as a content creator and storyteller. 
This is the embodiment of consciously creating, and curating content that matches the vibe and style of who you are in your brand. And, guess what?
Inside Content 101, I am also going to teach you how to curate copy, so you are never stuck for what to write about. You will learn how to create a content bank, and stay inspired on days when you just don’t feel it. This is a powerful way for you to continue to tell your story and deliver it in a way that speaks to your audience, even on non creation days. 
In this program, you will go from pulling things out of your a$$ to post on socials to powerful, potent and purposeful messaging. 
Are you ready to embody the ARTIST within and actually put your work out there!?

What’s inside Content 101:

Module 1: The Entrepreneur and Content Creator
Module 2: The CCR Factor
Module 3:WHO. Identify who you desire to reach with your content
Module 4: WHAT. Getting Clarity on your Educational Content Pillars 
Module 5: WHY: Your unique Brand
Module 6: Algorithm + Analytics:  How to gain more reach + create better content 
Module 7:  Content that drives Engagement
Module 8: Content that Provides Value
Module 9:  Content that helps your audience to get to know you
Module 10: How to never run out of content 



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