EP.050 | How to stop self-sabotaging your business growth

Season #1

Deep down, when you're really honest, humble, and transparent, I feel like we can all admit and agree that we have a natural tendency to come up with really, really good excuses to self-sabotage our business growth…

I want to have this conversation with you, because I have it with my clients and I have it with myself, plus I hear the excuses out there a lot. And those are all excuses that lead entrepreneurs to NOT take the actions they need to take to create business momentum.

A lot of these excuses are backed by specific marketing messaging, and or are created by our innate need to rush, to look for answers outside of us, to almost in a way sometimes put ourselves on a pedestal and say “Well, I don't have to do that because of that. Because it doesn't feel aligned.”

And it ain’t always a true story, so let’s talk about it…

T xx


PS: Desire additional support to help you scale your business to six figures and beyond? CLICK HERE for a free business audit to get clear on the bottlenecks that are stopping you from scaling and get 3 recommendations on how you can achieve your business goals.
