EP.049 | Play with what Resonates with Nadia Gargallo

Season #1

“It was really hard to make my business work. Like you, I want to help people but then you also realize that you need to become a salesperson, a marketing person, a copywriter, a content strategist, and master lead generation…like all this stuff that comes with a coaching business or an online business. So I had to learn a lot being a 1 - 3 profile in my human design.”

Meet Nadia Gargallo! An energy alignment and business mentor who helps female coaches to find alignment with their energy, their essence, and soul so they can step into their full feminine power and magnetism and build successful businesses that are full of freedom, pleasure, and ease.

I had a blast chatting with this fellow line three Manifesting Generator about learning to tap into human design and embrace our journey in alignment with our design and what resonates.

Tune in as we chat about the painful process of trial and error, different strategies to grow an online business, learning to balance masculine and feminine energetics, and using human design as a permission slip to be ourselves and stand fully rooted in our power.



Nadia Gargallo is an Energy Alignment and Business Mentor who helps female coaches to find alignment with their energy, their essence, and soul so they can step into their full feminine power and magnetism and build successful businesses that are full of freedom, pleasure, and ease.

She combines all her passions and skills in quantum healing, masculine and feminine energetics, human design, and strategy to activate her clients' highest potential and expansion


Want more? Get Nadia’s Human Design for Business mini-course for FREE: https://www.nadiagargallo.com/hdminicourse?coupon=FREE-ACCESS-HD-MINI-COURSE

Connect with Nadia:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/itsnadiagargallo

Facebook: www.facebook.com/nadiagargallo

Website: www.nadiagargallo.com/letshavefun
