EP.046 | From 1:1 to 1:MANY

Season #1

There comes a point in business where doing things in a way that uses a “1:1” approach is no longer going to be a viable or feasible option. Cause you are bound to hit CAPACITY!

Even as a highly ambitious entrepreneur, you have a time and energetic capacity that has limits.

This means in order to continue to scale without sacrificing an excellent client experience (which is key for long-term sustainable success) or your well-being (hello burnou!t), your growth will likely come to a standstill… and I don’t think you want that! 

Of course, you can bring in a team and you can diversify your product suite which will help you maximize your time, but there is a second layer to the 1:1 to 1:Many conversation that I don’t hear many people talk about, which is not only looking at your programs but also your lead generation process and strategy. 

So if you are serving clients 1:1 and on top of that your lead generation process, launch process, or the way you market and sell your office all require your personal effort and speaking to one person at a time, but you still want to scale your business, serve more clients and make more money, then it’s time to start coming up with a strategic approach to go from speaking to ONE to speaking to MANY! Let’s dive in…


PS: There is still time to join us for the live Masterclass tomorrow. I know you want to get clients using a proven launch method that you can rinse + repeat to scale your business. So don’t miss out and come join me  for the “The 5-figure Signature Program Launch Method Masterclass” CLICK TO JOIN
