The Mastermind

Come experience high-level mentorship and make the strategic change to fall in LOVE with your business so you can gain the momentum to hit your six-figure goal

Come experience high-level mentorship and make the strategic change to fall in LOVE with your business so you can gain the momentum to hit your six-figure goal

Do you feel like your business needs a change?

Something different?

Perhaps you are not sure what the difference is, but you are ready to find out. 
You are ready for more.
You are ready for your next level and a rock-solid plan to get you there.
You want to feel supported and expanded in this relationship with your business.
YES, the RELATIONSHIP with your business!
Maybe you never looked at it this way, but the relationship you have with your business, how you approach and nurture it, how supportive it is, and what you give and get from it, is not so different than other important relationships in your life.
And when you are IN LOVE with your business and the relationship is built on a strong foundation...
... not only will you want to GIVE your best and SHOW UP to make things happen, but this co-creation means your BUSINESS will SUPPORT YOU in exchange.

Hello flow! A relaxed nervous system, more energy, and a happy bank account.

Sounds like a dreamy fairytale kinda love story?

I get it. I am NOT a relationship Coach but what I learned from being in a committed relationship for 16 years, getting married and then divorced in 2022, and re-entering the dating world in the past months in my late 30s has forever altered the way I look at the relationship I have with myself, others AND my business.
I learned a lot.
Mostly that a solid relationship requires work and our willingness to intentionally create it.
There has to be a give-and-get.
There has to be a level of supportive energy that flows both ways.
There has to be a clear understanding of our wants and needs.
There has to be rock-solid communication.
There has to be empathy, compassion, and appreciation.
There has to be a willingness to do the work TOGETHER!
And when this relationship is out of balance on either side - it doesn't take long before the cracks become rabbit holes that build resentment and zap our energy.
I am going to make an assumption that this ain't what you want!

Well, you are in the right place to make the first move to change that. I have opened up to 10-spots for entrepreneurs to get my support for FREE for 30-days inside my high-level mastermind Strategic. What?!Β 

YUP I said that...

I have decided to offer up to 10 entrepreneurs an opportunity to get high-level mentorship for 30 days to...

βœ“ Detect the bottlenecks that are stopping you from scaling to 6-figures ++
βœ“ Help you strategize and make a plan that lights you up and has you fall in LOVE with your biz again so that you can go from a six-figure goal to a six-figure business owner in 12 months or less.
βœ“ Support you with high-level mentorship inside my Strategic Mastermind for FREE for one month

This is for YOU if you are...


  • A service-based entrepreneur or coach with a five-figure-a-year business ($20,000+ in the past 12-months)
  • You are feeling in a rut in this relationship, and you want to fall in LOVE with your business again.
  • You may have hit capacity and aren't able to take on more clients or DO MORE, but you aren't sure what strategic changes to make to change this.
  • You are ambitious and a massive action-taker, you are willing to show up and DO the work required to get there.
  • You are coachable, have the emotional intelligence to own up to your own BS, and are ready to listen and find out what's not working, so you can finally scale and hit that six-figure goal.
Still believe there is a catch?

Still believe there is a catch?

Still believe there is a catch?

Well, that is exactly why I am looking at this as a chance to DATE each other!

Haha, not like that...
But since becoming single again a year ago, I have found a new appreciation for dating and it made me think a lot about business and WHO I want to spend my time with. 
So I am going to be transparent, this IS NOT for you if...
  • You are a brand new Coach or Entrepreneur that has never signed a client or made less than $10,000 in the last 6 months.
  • You believe that 30 days of mentorship is enough to achieve your business and sales goals.
  • You are looking for a quick fix or someone to save you.
  • You are not willing to make the changes required or take the action to make it happen.

Here is what I want for us...

This Mastermind wholeheartedly IS to get to KNOW each other, to work together to figure out what's not working, create a strategy and plan that makes sure you achieve your six-figure goal in the next 6-12 months, and lay a rock-solid foundation.
From there, we will continue to work on your biz for six (or twelve) additional months to integrate and implement the changes so this isn't just another plan that collects dust like a book on a shelve you haven't touched in years...
It's DATING in a way that's fun, expansive, and non-exclusive BEFORE we enter into a committed {professional} relationship inside the Strategic Mastermind.
Because the REAL change and QUANTUM RESULTS happen as you implement and integrate these new strategies and direction...

Because the REAL change and QUANTUM RESULTS happen as you implement and integrate these new strategies and direction...

Because the REAL change and QUANTUM RESULTS happen as you implement and integrate these new strategies and direction...

This means if you are selected...

  • You and I will hop on a call to make sure this experience and the Strategic Mastermind is a good fit for you
  • You will go through the full onboarding process for my Strategic Mastermind and enroll with a 30-day trial period
  • Should you and or I decide that working together is not fit, we will part ways like two CEOs who appreciate the opportunity and know when to let go

This is an opportunity to make a MOVE

And it may change EVERYTHING for you

Applications are now closed.

Join the waitlist to find out first when the next round will open,
T xx

My client Courtney and I had an opportunity to DATE (LOL) before she joined the Strategic Mastermind. Needlessly to say, after our time together, I was super excited to work with her. WHY? Because I saw the potential of what is possible for her. She joined Strategic in February 2023 and here is what has happened since...


What would I do without Theresa? She came into my world and I was blown away by her value. As a new entrepreneur, I was ready to hit the ground running and couldn’t seem to find a mentor or coach that was willing to match my energy and dive in headfirst to support me wholeheartedly. Until I met Theresa. She was ready, she was more than ready. She’s a strategic mentor, launching guru, levelheaded Buddha, and always inflow.
I was drawn to her free spirit and ease. She has an ease about her that is unmatched by anyone I’ve come across. Along with her ‘breath of fresh air’ energy comes her powerful punch of strategic knowledge and awareness.
Before I hired her, I was close to burnout. I even questioned if entrepreneurship was for me. After only two months of working with her in the Strategic Mastermind, my world changed. She’s the mentor, leader, and coach I needed. After working with her for only four months, I went from making $3000 sales months, to nearly $30,000 sales months.
If you’re wondering, do I need a strategy coach and mentor? The answer is yes. You’ll learn how to work smarter, not harder.
Working with Theresa feels like a refreshing tropical drink, mixed with a very hard and powerful rum punch. It will knock you off your feet in the best way possible.
Courtney Marchment - CPCC Business Coach

I did not create this opportunity because I have to..

I am offering this because I WANT to!

My clients' results are a direct reflection of THEIR ability to listen, be willing and ready to make the changes and take massive intentional action.

This is about co-creation, which is why our relationship is as much of a give + get as the one you will create with your business and the people in your life you love!


Applications are now closed. Join the waitlist to find out first when the next round will open, T xx


50% Complete

Two Step

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